Friday 3 October 2014


Plastic-Recycling.jpg (300×299)

  • The recyclables can be collected from individual homes or from collection points such as tips, schools and supermarkets. After transport to the recycling plant, plastics are hand sorted according to their recycling code. Some materials recovery facilities can mechanically sort different plastic codes. Each plastic type is processed separately. 
  • The plastic is sliced into flakes and the flakes go through a washing process.
  • The clean plastic flakes are melted together, extruded through small holes, and chopped into pellets. 
  • The bags of recycled plastic pellets are taken to factories where they are melted and made into new products.
  • In the case of soft drink bottles the recycled pellets are combined with virgin material fresh from petroleum. These are then melted and moulded into preforms. 
  • The bottles are blown into another mould to form the full size bottle this is often done at the bottling plant where they are filled and sealed. 
  • Once consumed they are delivered back to the recycling plant after household recycling

1 comment:

  1. Saksham, find out about the recycling plants in Gurgaon, Harayana etc? And how the process of recycling is taking place? Is there any plastic which cannot be recycled and how it is a threat to our environment?
