Saturday 11 October 2014



Each year, 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. This averages to about 1 million bags per minute.
When consumers mindlessly accept plastic bags, use them for only a minute, then toss them away without a thought…this poses a tremendous environmental problem!
 Huge amount of plastic is being dumped into landfills. Plastic being non- biodegradable poses a huge threat to environment and animals.

 Landfill Waste - Indiscriminate dumping of plastic waste on land makes the land infertile due to its barrier properties where it may take up to 1,000 years to decompose, and potentially leak pollutants into the soil and water. Lead and Cadmium pigments, commonly used in LDPE, HDPE and PP as additives are toxic and are known to leach outGarbage mixed with plastics interferes in waste processing facilities and also cause problems in landfill operations. 

Clogged Waterways — Plastic bags clog drains and waterways, threatening urban environments and creating severe safety hazards. Drainage systems blocked by plastic bags have been identified as a major cause of flooding in countries like India and Bangladesh during monsoon season. Not only do floods destroy homes, derail trains, delay traffic, and cause mudslides, but they also create breeding grounds for water born diseases, malaria, and dengue fever.
Animal Death- More than 1 million birds and animals die each year from plastic entanglement. Large land animals like cows and camels also die from ingesting plastic bags. The bags coat their stomachs and they die of starvation because food can no longer be absorbed and digested.

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