Friday 27 March 2015

what all we have learnt till now....

Till now it had been a great success. We have learnt quite a lot number of things and yet there is much more to know. To list some of them.....

  •  Our project has made each one of us more informative by providing a box full of knowledge. But still there is a lot need to be done to reach the top rung of the ladder.All we need to do is to continue this hard work  and teamwork which forms the backbone of our project. 
  • We are on our way minimizing the use of plastic and polythene and therefore saving our world from its dangerous  effects.
  •  Till now we have rose from certain challenges and we need to continue with this as challenges will come your path whenever you try doing something. All we need to do is to be patient and cautious. 
  • To achieve what we want is to overcome the challenges that comes to our way..
  • Plastic is really hazardous and we need to end it's use before it ends our lives...
  • We have learnt to be courageous enough to stop doing wrong things like misusing bins or using polythenes unnecessarily ...


  1. breathtaking?? what is so breathtaking in this? breathtaking is usually associated with nice things. how can the effect of plastic be.... breathtaking??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i am sorry for wrong usage of word....
