Saturday 14 February 2015

Our Project

Ill effects of plastic can be stop when we all take initiative. And to stop it one person can’t do everything, everyone needs to contribute for it. Plastic is acting as degrading material for our environment. This project aims at making people aware about the effects of the plastic and make them realize that it is our need to stop plastic or else it would be plastic who will stop us. Plastics use and burning of plastic emits various harmful gasses which are bad for human beings and plants. We have chosen blog as a medium for spreading awareness among people so that they take initiative and start using two bin system. By two bin system it would be easy to separate the waste. We have started two bin system in our classrooms and at our home. At my home I have two dustbins, one for wet waste in the kitchen and the other for dry waste so that it is easy for our garbage vendor to separate them out. I have also hanged up a polybag in my room so that I can collect all recyclable waste (plastic & paper) so that it can be given for recycling.  Many of my friends and neighbors have joined me. When our garbage vendor comes, I see my neighbors using two bin system so that it is easy for him to separate. We researched on the effects of the plastics and put the result in the front of the people in an easier way by using the mean of internet which made it easier for the people to access and analyze the results.  

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